Hello District B Communities: Lago Lindo, Kilkenny, McLeod, Evansdale, Northmount, Londonderry, Steele Heights, Balwin, Killarney, Delwood, Glengarry, Rosslyn, Belvedere
I am very sorry, but I must miss the EFCL Board Meeting this Thursday because I am out of town on business for the next week and a half. If you have concerns or issues to raise please send them to me ASAP and I will pass them on by email.
Download the board package for the EFCL Board Meeting on June 10,2010
Here is the list of decision items from the agenda:
7.0 Decision Items 7.1 Meeting with Area Councils / District Coordinator Position (pg. 16)
Allan Bolstad, EFCL Executive Director
7.2 REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities (pg. 17)
Allan Bolstad, EFCL Executive Director
7.3 Row Housing (pgs. 18-19)
Bev Zubot, EFCL Community Planning Advisor
7.4 Planning Committee Representative (pg. 20)
Allan Bolstad, EFCL Executive Director
7.5 Summer Board Meeting (pg. 21)
Allan Bolstad, EFCL Executive Director
A couple of current notes:
The EFCL $25 Hockey Membership
We spoke about this at length at the Area 17 Council meeting and we were joined by Northeast Zone Sports President Lorraine Jex. A plan was discussed to still allow the community league folks attend hockey registrations and collect the volunteer commitments as usual even though community league memberships will be sold directly by hockey with each registration. This solution seems to go against directives from the hockey folks, but the seven leagues of Area 17 easily agreed this was a good solution.
Pool Allocation Meeting June 16
The City of Edmonton and Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues are jointly hosting a meeting to discuss the various options available for community leagues pool booking. The meeting will take place at Bonnie Doon Community League Hall at 7 p.m. All leagues and area councils are requested to attend. Board Members are requested to share information with interested leagues and area councils and encourage them to attend.
Planning Committee and Mature Neighbourhoods Infill Policy
I spoke with Bernie Zolner, the recently elected District B Planning Committee Representative and President of Glengarry and he is very concerned about the City of Edmonton's infill policy for mature neighbourhoods. There was a lot of activity on this file last year prior to the passing of the current policy in June and subsequent adjustments in October. We may hear more about this.