David Dodge, EFCL District B

David Dodge EFCL Past President and past district rep for Lago Lindo, Kilkenny, McLeod, Evansdale, Northmount, Londonderry, Steele Heights, Balwin, Killarney, Delwood, Glengarry, Rosslyn, Belvedere community leagues in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Photo by Rob Agostinis

Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Day at Delwood and Evansdale

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed a beautiful Family Day weekend in your community. I dropped in on the open house event in Delwood and at my own Community League, Evansdale.

Here are some photos the open house at Delwood. They had food, soccer registration, skating, tobogganing, and face painting. The local MLA Tony Vandermeer dropped in to hand off a cheque for $22,000 to help with renovations underway at Delwood Community League.

Over at Evansdale Community League they had hay rides, a petting zoo, food, and free skating for the day! It was a busy day there too. Here are some photos:

I hope your Family Day was fantastic.
David Dodge

Feburary EFCL Board Package

February EFCL Board Package Highlights

Download the EFCL February 2012 Board Package

3.1 Good Neighbour Awards
 Do you know somebody who has helped your neighbourhood become a vibrant and connected neighbourhood? This is your chance to nominate them for a Good Neightbour Award from the City of Edmonton. There were 150 nominations in 2011. Someone from each of Edmonton's 13 City wards be be recognized.

7.4 Multiplex Review Committee
The EFCL Mutilplex Review Committee consisting of three board members, three members of Community Leagues and Allan, our executive director met with Rob Smyth and Roger Jevne about the City's upcoming plans for multiplexes and to discuss the role community league facilities play in Edmonton's planning and funding of new recreation facilities.
If you weren't already aware the Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre is set to open very soon!
In addition work is underway on the new Claireview District Park and Community Recreation Centre will feature a new pool, fitness centre, gym, library, ECS High School Completion Centre and renovated arenas.
There is some information here at the City's website.
You can read our report in the February Board package. Essentially we discussed four key things with the City folks:

Integrated planning of future recreation facilities to ensure we take into consideration all of the existing community facilities (120 halls, 120 rinks, tennis courts, and the Soccer Centres operated by the Soccer Association). We would like to see all of the rinks and halls on all of the City maps to ensure we consider the best investment possible in optimizing all recreation facilities in the City. For example it might make sense to upgrade a series of Community Rinks by adding covers on them to create more local recreation and event opportunities. A new master planning process is getting underway next year. We made our suggestions and asked to be involved.

Sports Policy - when a sports policy is developed that emphasizes the participation of all citizens we may want to participate.

Aging Rink Facilties - there was a fear that as new facilities are built that the City would simply close aging facilities in some areas of the city leaving them without recreation facilities at all. Community Leagues will definately want to be involved in the discussion of what is happening in areas where facilities may be closing such as Tipton, George Hughes or Donnan. This discussion is important as the City sorts out what to do with the aging facilities after it builds the new facility in Bonnie Doon. One idea being tossed around is mini-multiplexes. What if we take Scona Pool, George Hughes Arena and the EFCL office and combine them all into a small recreation complex that continues to serve the area. Another idea might include putting covers on community rinks where it seems to make sense. These are just ideas however. We will need to get inolved in these processes to ensure creative ideas come out the other end!

Community Usage of City Facilities - The City is making significant efforts to involve the local communities in the new Commonwealth Recreation Centre. But in some cases it would seem to make sense to combine operations. For example, consider Oak Hills on the southside. They have a community site in the field outside the Terwilliger Recreation Centre. Rather than build a $1.0-$1.5 million hall facility adjacent to the massive recreation centre why not make room for them inside. Imagine posting information about volunteering in the local league on a bulletin board in a recreation centre frequented by thousands of people a week. It could be good for both the local community league and the city. Hmmmm, this is just a crazy idea at this point, but it does seem to make some sense. We would like to see more strategic use of facilities that makes better use of buildings and integrates community leagues with local citizens.

Overall the process of meeting and discussing the recreation centres was well worthwhile. Watch for opportunities to weigh on these issues in the near and distant future.

7.8.4 Pool Allocation and Bookings Consultation with the CIty
We held the fifth meeting of the this committee on January 31 and there is generally some satisfaction with the new models that Community Leagues can use to book swim times for their leagues. 
The one thing we mentioned loud and clear was that we would like to see the 20% discount for Wellness Passes reinstated. The discount was cut to 10% in the City budget. A lot of leagues say their members think the discount is important and reason to join Community Leagues. The benefits of these discounts go beyond the number of wellness passes sold. Please write your favorite City Councillor and let them know if you think the 20% discount should be reinstated.
Also we learned through the committee that community leagues (and others) can make bulk purchases of admissions to City facilities and save up to 40% on the fees. This discount rate cuts in when you purchase 1260 admissions. This may be an option for a group of leagues to consider, or possibly the EFCL.

Community League Signs
As most Community Leagues are probably aware you can rent signs to promote your events up to 8 times a year. Each rental can go up for a maximum of two weeks. Leagues like doing this to promote big events or sports registrations. The City increased the number of signs you can rent from 2 to 8, but the Transportation Department reduced the the number of sites you can put the signs quite significantly.
We are going to meet with folks from the City to discuss this. Some community leagues were left with no sites for signs in their community, which doesn't really work.

That's it for now. Please contact me anytime.
David Dodge