David Dodge, EFCL District B

David Dodge EFCL Past President and past district rep for Lago Lindo, Kilkenny, McLeod, Evansdale, Northmount, Londonderry, Steele Heights, Balwin, Killarney, Delwood, Glengarry, Rosslyn, Belvedere community leagues in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Photo by Rob Agostinis

Sunday, March 6, 2011

District B Special Report - Tripartite Agreement

District B Report

David Dodge
March 6, 2011
Hi everyone in Distrit B:
I will send a link to the EFCL Board Package as soon as I receive it. Meanwhile here are a few important updates for your attention. As always, if you have anything you would like me to bring up at the EFCL Board meeting this Thursday, please let me know.

The Draft Tripartite License Agreement

EFCL is holding a meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 23, at Rossdale Community League Hall, 10135-96 Avenue, to present and review the draft Tripartite License Agreement. This is the agreement that determines how leagues can use the land they have under license with the city. We will be sending out the draft agreement shortly after the EFCL board deals with the matter on March 10. This agreement will be ultimately be voted on by the membership at the Annual General Meeting, which is set for 6:30 p.m., Monday, April 4 at Woodvale Community League. Dinner at 5:30 p.m. – RSVP@efcl.org for both events.
The new license agreement is tied to eligibility for the new Community League Infrastructure Grant program, which is being introduced in 2011, but it is critical that leagues have a chance to ask questions and look at the new agreement first.
I spoke with the Area 17 communities about this and they were keen to make sure there is enough time for communities to take this back to their communities before it’s voted on at the EFCL AGM. Watch for the draft agreement on March 10 – then come to the meeting on March 23 and you can ask questions of the community league representatives on the negotiating  committee (Dwayne Robertson, President of ACES, David Dodge District B Rep and EFCL VP., Christime Bremner District Rep., David Gibbons EFCL President) of the City folks and EFCL staff.
There is a special meeting of the Tripartite Committee this Wednesday, I will let you know if anything changes. Please send me your comments.

Community League Rink and Carnival Day 2012

League Presidents and Secretaries – watch for your survey link to your email – HELP US gather info about the best 2012 Date for the all new festival:
We talked about this at the Area 17 meeting and the Area 17 communities favored making the entire Family Day weekend the Community Rink and Carnival “Day” for 2012. This way leagues could hold their events on any one of the days of the family day weekend. Virtually all of the leagues of Area 17 liked piggybacking Communitye League Rink and Carniival Day on Family Day. We need to hear from Area 2 communities, please answer the survey or send a note to David Dodge.

Youth Emergency Shelter

Marg Day, the former President of Londonderry Community League and board member of the North Edmonton Kiwanis Club appealed to Area 17 communities to provide a letter supporting the establishment of a Youth Emergency Shelter in the Northeast Edmonton. The Area 17 leagues listened to her appeal and are taking the request back to their leagues.
Marg asked me to ask Area 2 Community Leagues if they would consider supporting the establishment of  a Youth Emergency Shelter. She is looking for letters of support from the leagues. The shelter would be set up somewhere in the northeast, likely the Beverly Area. Please address your letters to Keith Middleton, Northeast Kiwanis Club and send them to Marg Day: leslie.day@shaw.ca or you can call Marg at 780-476-5033.

Mark Your Calendar

APRIL 4 EFCL Annual General Meeting Vacancies for the EFCL board in C, J, and K – Join the excitement! Call Allan Bolstad at 780-437-2913 if you are interested.
APRIL 16 EFCL’s 60th Annual Talent Show
Stanley A Milner Library - REGISTRATION AVAILABLE ONLINE at www.efcl.org
SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 is Community League Day
Plan your fall event and let EFCL know for the promotion next year!

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