Download the April 14 Board Package here
Please let me know if there is anything you would like raised at the Board meeting. Here is news from the EFCL AGM.
District B has a new planning representative:
Congratulations to Ron Favell of Killarney CL - Ron will attend planning committee meetings and represent our District. Congratulations Ron!
Tripartite Agreement special general meeting
May 17, 2011 at 7 pm at Lauderdale Hall, 12937 - 107 Street.
Version 2 of the draft will be available for download and review by the week of April 18th, 2011. Download the current draft tripartite agreement - along with a brief tripartite overview and read the comments from the meeting on our news article at the EFCL website.
Pool Allocation Meeting
April 27 at Strathcona Centre Community League Hall located at 10139 - 87 Ave.
Doors at 6:30 meeting at 7:00 pm. Please
New deal allows CL to book public times at 25% discount. Cost is reduced by the number of leagues participating. Leagues can keep existing "new" deals too.
Cultural Integration Workshop
The EFCL is holding a cultural integration workshop to get some input from leagues about ways to reach out to newcomers and native Canadians.
7:00 p.m., April 11, at Lakewood Community League (260 Lakewood Road East) in Mill Woods.
The goal is to find ways to reach out to ethno-cultures and immigrants. We are hiring outreach workers to help with language and cultural issues. Leagues should come out and provide input and feedback to ensure the program works for leagues. Many leagues in our area talk about the challenges of working with and attracting diverse participation in league activities - come on out and help make it happen!
Community League Day is September 17, 2011 - Register your event!
As soon as you confirm with your board inform EFCL of the name of the event, date, time, address, and activities planned. Be sure not to miss the advertising deadline and stay tuned to this page for details of prizes, promotions, and a great fall promotion.
Hall Rental Workshop - April 28 Lauderdale Community League, 12937 - 107 St, 7 to 9 pm. Modeled after the successful rink workshop held earlier this year. Come for presentations, to share and to learn.
Website Workshop - May 4, EFCL offices, 7103 - 105 St 7 to 9 pm. Come out and see a very high-end web solution for leagues that sells ads, memberships, executive lists and much more.
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